Step 1: Select which country this product will be used in
It's easy to top up online on All you need is your email address or phone number. We offer call credit for all the biggest providers. So look for you provider on our call credit page. Select how much call credit you need and pay with your preffered payment method. Your call credit will be send to your phone in seconds. Ready for you to call your friends and family.
Want to send call credit and data to someone else? That's just as easy as topping up your own phone on All you need is their phone number or email address.
无论您在境外还是境内,都可以跨国家/地区轻松充值。走遍天涯海角,只要轻轻几下点击,就能像平时一样为预付电话卡套餐充值,不再担心出国话费耗尽、移动断联的问题! 为您提供全球各地种类繁多的话费和流量充值产品。找到本页右上角,选择话费和流量充值目的国家/地区,即可看到可用的对应产品。指定正确的运营商,剩下的操作和以往一样,便捷轻松!
所有话费产品都支持 PayPal 购买!上,直接用 PayPal 支付,为预付费手机卡充值。