Mainiet valsti, lai izpirktu šo produktu citā valstī, izmantojot atlasītāju.
Lai to izmantotu, vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz iepriekš norādītā koda vai apmeklējiet appstore.com/redeem.
Nedalieties ar savu kodu ar nepazīstamām personām.
Savu App Store & iTunes dāvanu karti var izmantot, lai iegādātos:
Izmanto savu App Store un iTunes dāvanu karti jau šodien un sāc iepirkties iTunes un App Store vai Apple TV.
Lai izmantotu iTunes kredītu, jums būs nepieciešams vietējais Apple konts. Ir svarīgi ņemt vērā, ka App Store un iTunes dāvanu karte ir piesaistīta konkrētai valstij. Nav derīgas citiem maksājumiem.
App Store un iTunes dāvanu karti varat izmantot jebkurā Apple ierīcē, ja vien šajās ierīcēs izmantojat vienu un to pašu Apple ID.
Valid only on purchases made in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from Apple Media Services. Use requires an Apple ID & prior acceptance of licence & usage terms. Not redeemable for cash, for resale, for shipments outside Saudi Arabia & no refunds or exchanges (except as required by law). Data collection and use subject to Apple’s Privacy Policy; see apple.com/sa/privacy. Apple is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen cards or for use without permission. Your statutory rights are not affected. iTunes/App Store Cards are issued and supplied by Apple Distribution International Ltd. In distributing the cards, retailer is acting as agent for and on behalf of Apple Distribution International Ltd. Terms apply; see apple.com/sa/go/legal/gc. Content purchased from the iTunes Store/App Store is for personal lawful use only. © 2023 Apple Distribution International Ltd. All rights reserved.