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Mobile top-up made easy

Tūlītēja digitālā piegāde

Sertificēts tālākpārdevējs

Drošs un drošs maksājums

Šīs kategorijas produkti vēl nav pieejami jūsu izvēlētajā apgabalā. Mainiet savu valsti, lai skatītu lokāli pieejamos produktus, vai meklējiet citas kategorijas:

Mainiet savu izpirkšanas valsti uz citu, izmantojot atlasītāju, vai izpētiet citas tālāk norādītās kategorijas.

Mainīt valsti uz


How do I top up online?

It's easy to top up online on Recharge.com. All you need is your email address or phone number. We offer call credit for all the biggest providers. So look for you provider on our call credit page. Select how much call credit you need and pay with your prefered payment method. Your call credit will be send to your phone in seconds. Ready for you to call your friends and family.

How do I top up someone else's phone?

Want to send call credit and data to someone else? That's just as easy as topping up your own phone on Recharge.com. All you need is their phone number or email address.

How do I top up internationally?

It's easy to top up internationally. Whether you are abroad or you want to send call credit and data abroad. No matter where you are, you can top up your prepaid plan just like your used to. Useful when you run out of credit on holiday. We offer many call credit and data top ups from across the world. Simply select the country you want to send call credit and data to on the top right of this page. You'll see the products we have on offer for that country. Select the right provider. The rest of the process works just as fast and easy as you're used to from us.

How do I recharge my phone with PayPal?

We offer PayPal as a payment method to all our Call Credit products. So you can always recharge your prepaid call credit with PayPal right here on Recharge.com.

Uzlādējiet ātri, droši un vienkārši

Tūlītēja digitālā piegāde Jūs varēsiet izmantot savu digitālo kredītu dažu sekunžu laikā.
Uzticas miljoniem Mēs lepojamies ar vairāk nekā 5 miljoniem klientu visā pasaulē un konsekventiem izciliem vērtējumiem pakalpojumā TrustPilot.
Maksājiet droši Pasūtiet dažu sekunžu laikā, izmantojot savu iecienītāko maksājuma veidu.