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Buy Gift Cards for the shops you love

Okamžité digitálne doručenie

Certifikovaný predajca

Bezpečná a bezpečná platba

Krok 1: Vyberte krajinu, v ktorej sa bude tento produkt používať


Why Shopping Cards?

A Shopping Card is the last-minute gift idea that always works. It's instant. There's one to suit every taste. And they're all available at Recharge.com. Choose your favourite fashion or all-in-one online retailer (e.g. Amazon) and give the gift of choice.

A Shopping Card for yourself

Shopping Cards aren't only for gifting other people. They can also be an easy alternative to your budget control plans. Use a gift card to pay for your favorite all-in-one online stores, and make sure you're spending only what you want (or have) – no strings attached.

How to buy Shopping Cards:

  1. Start by selecting a Shopping Card and its value from the list above.

  2. Complete your order with secure payment. You can use your preferred payment method from our wide offering - e.g. PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and more.

  3. Done! Your Shopping Card code will be in your inbox within 30 seconds.

It's ready to use or gift!

Nabíjajte rýchlo, bezpečne a jednoducho

Okamžité digitálne doručenie Digitálny kredit budete môcť použiť v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd.
Preverené miliónmi ľudí Sme hrdí na to, že máme viac ako 5 miliónov zákazníkov po celom svete a konzistentné hodnotenia Vynikajúce na TrustPilot.
Plaťte bezpečne a bezpečne Objednajte si za pár sekúnd pomocou svojho obľúbeného spôsobu platby.