Anpassa din VALORANT-upplevelse baserat på din personliga stil!
Lås upp vapenskinn:
När du får fiendens lag, se till att de vet att du gör det med stil. Vapenskinn är utformade för att endast vara kosmetiska och ger inte en positiv eller negativ spelfördel.
Lås upp nya agenter:
Hitta din spelstil med en av VALORANTs många olika agenter - upplåsbar genom att slutföra spelkontrakt eller köpa dem med VALORANT-poäng. Den perfekta presenten för alla som spelar VALORANT eller provar den för första gången. Låser upp valuta i spelet som kan användas för att köpa vapenskinn och låsa upp nya agenter
Du kan kontaktaRiot Games Valorant kundtjänsten här.
This VALORANT ("VALORANT") gift card (this "Card") permits you to purchase in-game currency for use only at the VALORANT Online Store via the internet on the VALORANT client. With in-game currency, you may acquire the use of premium virtual items for your VALORANT account. Your PC must meet certain minimum requirements to play VALORANT. This Card is not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents (except where required by law), has no surrender value, and may not be returned. Except as required by law, the value of this Card will not be replaced if lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. This Card is only redeemable on (A) the PC version of the VALORANT client and (B) the "North American" server. Keep your original sales receipt. Unused balances are nontransferable. Upon redemption of this Card, you will be required to accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Notice available at that govern your use of this Card and VALORANT. The full value of this Card is deducted when you redeem the PIN code. All funds associated with this Card are held exclusively by or on behalf of Riot Games, Inc., which with its affiliates make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to this Card or any aspect of VALORANT or, and disclaim all warranties as permitted by law. Your sole available remedy shall be the replacement of this Card. Some jurisdictions do not permit certain disclaimers and these limitations may not apply to you. Riot Games, Inc. may change any of these terms from time to time without notice.