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Nakup kartice Steam na spletu

O spletni strani Steam Ireland

Kdo potrebuje drago konzolo, če lahko z darilno karticoSteam najboljše igre igrate na računalniku? Pridružite se skupnosti igralcev Steam in pridobite dostop do odličnih novih iger za osebne računalnike in ekskluzivnih Steam razprodaj. Neredko se zgodi, da so odlične igre AAA tudi do 50 % cenejše. Vsak teden izidejo tudi odlične nove neodvisne igre. Poskrbite, da ne boste zamudili, in si zagotovite kartico Steam na spletni strani Recharge.com! Z njo napolnite svojo denarnico Steam in uživajte v najboljših ponudbah v svetu računalniških iger.

Delovanje: izberite želeni znesek kupona Steam in plačajte s PayPal, VISA, MasterCard (kreditna/debetna kartica), Apple Pay ali več kot 23 drugimi varnimi in zanesljivimi načini plačila. Nato v 30 sekundah po elektronski pošti prejmete kodo kuponaSteam za Irsko . Kupite kodo za odkupSteam na spletni strani Recharge.com. Temu pravimo hitro, varno in preprosto.

Iščete alternativni ali podoben izdelek digitalni darilni karticiSteam ? Priporočamo:

Vse možnosti si lahko ogledate na naši strani z igralnimi karticami.

Opozorilo: na spletnem mestu Steam so uvedli nekaj sprememb v načinu unovčevanja kod darilnih kartic Steam Wallet na spletnem mestu Steam, da bi zmanjšali število prevar.
Vsak račun Steam je povezan z določeno valuto, zato lahko pride do napake, če poskušate aktivirati kodo denarnice Steam, izdano v drugi valuti, kot je valuta vašega uporabniškega računa Steam.

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

  • How can I redeem a Steam gift card?

    Once you’ve received your Steam gift card code, using it in the Steam store is easy—just follow these steps:


    1. Open the Steam redeem page.
    2. Sign in with your Steam account name and password. If you don't have a Steam account yet, create one.
    3. Enter the code in the ‘Steam credit code’ field.
    4. Click ‘Continue’.

    The top-up amount will be added to your Steam Wallet balance and the new account balance will be displayed.

    Please note: The first time you top up your Steam Wallet, you’ll likely be asked to enter your address. This is so Steam can determine the correct currency.

  • What is Steam?

    Steam is a video game distribution service, store, and community. It’s the largest digital distribution platform for PC games. Steam also includes Steam Workshop—a service that lets users share user-made content and mods for games available on Steam.
  • On which devices can I use Steam voucher?

    You can run Steam on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. There’s also a Steam mobile app on iOS and Android. You can redeem a Steam gift card code on any of these devices.
  • How can I check my Steam wallet balance?

    You can see your current balance in your Steam account. It will be displayed there, at the top right, next to your username.
  • What kind of account do I need to redeem my Steam gift card?

    To redeem a Steam gift card in Ireland you need a European Steam account. If you already have a Steam account in a currency other than Euro, you can still redeem your Recharge.com credit code. However, you’ll get a message saying that your credit code balance needs to be converted into the currency of your current Steam balance.
  • Can I buy a digital Steam gift card for friends and family?

    You certainly can. All you need to do is choose your desired Steam gift card amount at Recharge.com and then follow these steps: 1. Enter the email address of the person you want to receive Steam gift card code. 2. Choose one of our secure payment methods, such as PayPal, Visa and more. After successful payment, the person will receive the Steam code by email straight away.
  • How can I contact Steam support?

    With a Steam gift card you can choose between thousands of games across categories ranging from first-person shooters to racing sims. As a member of the Steam community, you can benefit from discounts of up to 90%. But you don’t have to limit yourself to purchasing new games; you can also use your Steam gift card to purchase DLC like new in-game items.
  • What can I use my Steam gift card for?

    With a Steam gift card you can choose between thousands of games across categories ranging from first-person shooters to racing sims. As a member of the Steam community, you can benefit from discounts of up to 90%. But you don’t have to limit yourself to purchasing new games; you can also use your Steam gift card to purchase DLC like new in-game items.
  • How long is my Steam voucher valid for?

    Steam voucher codes don’t expire, and neither does the credit in your Steam wallet. Pro tip: Look out for Steam sales to get the most from your gift card!

Pogoji in določila

Z uporabo te storitve se strinjate s pogoji storitve Steam.

Napolnite hitro, varno in preprosto

Takojšnja digitalna dostava Svoj digitalni kredit boste lahko porabili v nekaj sekundah.
Zaupajo milijoni Ponosni smo, da imamo več kot 5 milijonov strank po vsem svetu in stalne ocene Odlično na TrustPilotu.
Plačujte varno in zanesljivo Naročite v nekaj sekundah s svojim najljubšim načinom plačila.