Mobilno polnjenje
Mobilno polnjenje
Polnjenje še Türk Telekom nikoli ni bilo lažje. Preprosto izberite znesek kredita, ki Türk Telekom ga potrebujete, in plačajte z uporabo enega od naših načinov plačila. Predplačniški mobilni kreditni kodi bomo poslali na vstavljeno e-poštno sporočilo z navodili, kako unovčiti kredit.
Doma ali v tujini, topping up ni problem z
Enter *103*code# into your mobile phone and then press the call button. Your credit will then be topped up automatically.
You can check your current balance by calling Türk Telekom customer service on 12322 (from your Türk Telekom mobile phone number) and then following the instructions in the menu.
You can purchase O2 vouchers that can be used for your Türk Telekom phone. Simply enter*103*code# to use the O2 vouchers on your Türk Telekom phone.
Any questions? This is how you can get in touch with the O2 customer service:
Contact the O2 customer service for more information on Türk Telekom.