Predplačniške kreditne kartice
Predplačniške kreditne kartice
Kupite PaysafeCard na spletu? Pri spletnem nakupovanju s kreditno kartico PaysafeCard zaščitite svojo zasebnost. S karticopaysafe lahko varno in anonimno plačujete na več sto spletnih mestih. Kreditna kartica PaysafeCard je splošno sprejet način plačila. Uporabite jo za zabavo, igre, šport, spletne zmenke ali spletna mesta družabnih medijev. Odločitev je vaša!
Ustvarite račun My PaysafeCard za še boljšo izkušnjo spletnega nakupovanja. Vse svoje kode lahko shranite v virtualno denarnico in sledite svojim transakcijam.
Vas zanima? Preprosto izberite znesek PaysafeCard, ki ga želite kupiti na spletnem mestu Nato vpišite svoj e-poštni naslov in varno plačajte s storitvami PayPal, Trustly, Mastercard, debetno/kreditno kartico ali več kot 23 drugimi varnimi načini plačila. Svojo kodo PaysafeCard boste prejeli v nekaj sekundah.
Napolnite paysfacard na Enostavno, kajne?
Iščete alternativno predplačniško kreditno kartico, kot je polnjenjePaysafeCard ? Priporočamo:
Vse možnosti si lahko ogledate na naši strani s predplačniškimi kreditnimi karticami.
Na eni od spletnih strani partnerjev PaysafeCard preprosto izberite PaysafeCard kot način plačila in plačajte tako, da preprosto vnesete 16-mestno kodo PIN PaysafeCard. Če imate račun my PaysafeCard, lahko na blagajni izbrane spletne trgovine plačate tako, da vpišete svoje uporabniško ime in geslo.
Follow the simple steps below to buy PaysafeCard credit on
You can buy PaysafeCard online on They are authorized PaysafeCard distributors.
You don’t need an account for a PaysafeCard redeem voucher code transaction. However, if you would like a simple and convenient way to store all your voucher PINs in one place, you'll need to create a myPaysafe account. Paysafe, the company that issues PaysafeCard, may ask you to create a myPaysafe account if you pay with a PaysafeCard worth €50. This is as per European law.
When you buy PaysafeCard online via you can be confident that the transaction is safe and secure. is an authorized PaysafeCard distributor.
When you buy PaysafeCard credit voucher codes on, you can use them for online payments and to add credit to your PaysafeCard prepaid card and other online wallets.
To view the current balance of your PaysafeCard voucher, please visit the PaysafeCard card balance check and enter your 16-digit code.
When you buy PaysafeCard voucher codes, there's no requirement to spend it all at once. You can use the balance toward your next purchase and make a PaysafeCard recharge as needed.
A PaysafeCard voucher code has no expiration date. However, after 30 days from the date you purchased the code, a €3.00 monthly maintenance fee will be deducted from the remaining balance. This fee will be charged until the voucher balance is empty.
If you have a myPaysafe account, you can avoid this fee by loading your voucher code into your account within 30 days after purchase. Once the credit is in your account, you have 12 months to spend it. Thereafter, an inactivity fee of €5 per month will be deducted from your account. So, it's important you use your credit within 1 year from the date you loaded it into your account.
You can buy PaysafeCard online with PayPal, debit card, credit card, and other accepted methods.
The only way to use PayPal with PaysafeCard is to use the PaysafeCard Mastercard. To do this:
When making a purchase at an online shop, select PayPal as the payment method.
For PaysafeCard Austria assistance, please visit the customer support page.
Preprodajo vaše kartice PaysafeCard je prepovedana.PaysafeCard je način plačila, ki ga izdaja in upravlja družba Paysafe Prepaid Services Limited. Za veljavne splošne pogoje glej Opozorilo: Nikoli ne plačujte s PaysafeCard za odklepanje računalnika ali za prevzem domnevne nagrade na tekmovanju. Več informacij: