• Mobile top-up

Lycamobile Recharge

Livrare digitală instantanee

Revânzător certificat

Plată sigură și securizată

  • Multibanco
  • payment method mbway logo
  • Apple Pay Artwork
  • PayPal icon
  • Visa new vibrant blue
  • Mastercard icon
  • Maestro debit card - NO
  • American Express - NO
  • 27e4d099-2e65-498f-b73d-f056f9579085

Buy Lycamobile plans online

About Lycamobile

Running out of Lycamobile minutes, data, or texts? Top up your Lycamobile prepaid plan on Recharge.com. It only takes a few taps!

We know how frustrating it is to not have enough credit. Just when you need to call your Mom, text your friend or look something up online. With Recharge.com you can top up your phone immediately. You'll be back on your phone before you know it!

To top up your Lycamobile plan simply select the amount you need and enter your phone number. You can pay with many trusted payment methods, such as PayPal. When the payment is complete, your balance will be topped up immediately!

Top up your mobile plan on Recharge.com. It's fast, safe and simple!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to redeem Lycamobile code?

    Recharge will directly top up the inserted phone number. Recharging the mobile code is very easy on the website. In Portugal or abroad, please follow these steps:

    1. Select the product & the amount.
    2. Fill in the needed information such as the phone number and the email address.
    3. Proceed to pay, after which, the code will be received on the given number in few seconds.
  • How to check Lycamobile code’s available balance?

    There are two ways to check the balance:

    • Enter *123# followed by the send button
    • Call 123 and follow the instructions
  • How do I contact Lycamobile?

    Contacting Lycamobile can be online or by phone:

    Phone: Either call 1632 from Lycamobile number in Portugal or call 2650 016 32 from any other phone

    Email: You can send en email to Lycamobile

    Online: Visit the Lycamobile website or their Facebook page

Terms & Conditions

By using this service, you consent to the terms and conditions of Lycamobile.

Recharge fast, safe & simple

Instant digital delivery
You’ll be able to use your digital credit within seconds.
Trusted by millions
We’re proud to have over 5 million customers worldwide and consistent Excellent ratings on TrustPilot.
Pay safely & securely
Order in seconds using your favourite payment method.